Holding of the Elective General Assembly January 2020

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, the global supply system for medical devices necessary for resuscitation is in total shortage (insufficient production capacities, export restrictions, Lockdown in certain countries, etc.)

The Tunisian health ministry has set up a task force under the theme “towards a national medical supplies industry”

The cluster played the role of depositary of national objectives and associated means by bringing together all its members in order to meet the expressed needs.

The Cluster made several experiments with the Ministry of Health and the hospitals what helped to draw the following:

-Good News:

► Cooperation with a number of startups, engineering schools and some laboratories, the cluster succeeded to define the medical problem very quickly and offered the right solutions

► Strong involvement of the medicine professionals and the executives of the Ministry of Health in the orientation of work and definition of needs.

► Strong determination of the Cluster to support the good initiatives to make them sustainable and secure the value’s creation.

The difficulties:

► Insufficiency on the participant’s technical level regards to the national ambition and needs

► Very little collaborative work (with the exception of an attempt to structure Novation City / CMT), which means that some projects are duplicated, others relate to equipment of little use

► Limitations on the accessibility to the national market due to the difficult administrative procedures (derogatory process not approved to date, very short response times, non-explicit national preference)

Concrete achievements

Syringe Pump

Compact ventilator

High end ventilator